The advantages of ALJAWDAH heaters
did not provide hot water only, but also the quality unique addition to the excellent performance and long life and after-sales service excellence to ensure (5) years that ensure the water heater is not a new invention, but as a result of the high quality and reliability which characterize this water heater
The quality electric water heater tank is made of Torrent enjoys excellent advantages:
Enamel layer: The inner surface is covered with textured fallow Celine (us) with a thickness of 250-500 Akron. Minya material meets the requirements of the strongest material specifications (international standard DIN No. 4753/3, such as long-term exposure to boiling water) and the requirements of the applicable protection.
The boiler enamel protects the inner surface of the rust to ensure that the client hot water cleaner Magnesium column:
The magnesium column inside the boiler to protect the enamel surface of the steel internal rust and this is a vital element for the life of the water heater where absorbs electrostatic discharge (works according to the principle of the fuel cell) Heating element (candle):
This is made of copper and brass electrical component provides heat to the water heater, which is the standard voltage of 127 volts, 220 and 1200 watts, and 1500 watts. This element standard according to the size Ousah water heater 0 this electric element protects against the requirements of the Saudi Arabian Standards Organization (ISO ISS A / No. 2000)
This component controls the temperature of the water heater to different degrees through the control knob and thermostat contains a sensor binary metal expands when you adjust certain temperature cut off the electric supply for the heating element (candle) in order to prevent the continuous heating heating element, as it is designed according to the master’s Security the first and second operating in the event of failure of the safety features in the component where the cut off the power supply on a permanent basis (and required manual adjustment afterwards) meets the requirements of this component of the Saudi Arabian standards Organization (ISO No. SSA / 2000)
Top safety and lower the level of safety valve:
Water quality provider heater double safety components is the use of safety elements such as a lightning discharge and a tool to dump any plus accumulated pressure inside the boiler if other safety elements 0 Levy valve to relieve pressure top and lower pressure this electric element meets the requirements of the Saudi Arabian Standards Organization (ISO No. S PSA / 2000)
Temperature scale:
Geyser provider index for the temperature of the water inside the boiler, and this measure has a bimetal sensor is moving to read given the water temperature, which believes the degree of control the heater temperature.
Water outlet pipe and the water outlet tube:
Making water outlet pipe and the water outlet of the steel tube stainless steel rank of private ranked TN 1.4300 – Any ESI 1304) to prevent rust while using the water heater
The lamp works as an indicator of the work in the thermostat and disconnect the power cord is in the plastic cover, the plastic cover has been designed to work Alsaana light and temperature adjustment thermostat easily
Insulation (Boliorthyn completely free from material CNN FC 100%)
The outer body and internal body to isolate the boiler textured July Rthyn free completely from material CNN FC due to the high density of the material Boliorthyn It keeps the degree hot water boiler temperature for a longer time even while extinguishing the heating element and thereby reduce the electricity consumption (energy saving).
The outer body is designed for heater modern design was addressing the casing and painted coating polyester powder tempered by heating were ripening oven at a temperature of 200 m and at least a thickness of 60 what Akron, which provides good resistance against bad weather and UV illumination and ensures a high resistance to corrosion ‘was compiled Cover drag and rolling were welded automatically to ensure the quality of welding, the thickness of the outer body, a 60, of rolled steel and made to know the famous steel rolling companies. Steel specifications: solid profiles drawn on a cold meets the requirements of the specification No. 1623 DIN ST 13.3 and 1832 DIN ST 15
Internal body (the kettle) Boiler internal pre-treatment with an internal surface coated with enamel (porcelain private), Atala was the enamel on the surface using a spray devices mechanism was processed oven at a temperature of 850 m, the thickness of the enamel layer ranges between 250-500 microns, which gives good resistance against corrosion and ensures hot and pure and clean water, was the internal body assembly by dragging and rolling and welding automatic machines welding with Alrobort mechanism of to achieve welding accurate and high quality have been internal Achtbaralgesm (boiler) against air leakage even pressure 6 bar) is equivalent to twice the pressure calibrator (12 bar) to ensure the welding quality ,
This satisfies the test requirements of the Saudi Arabian Standards of the thickness of the internal body, a solid 1.8 mm of rolled steel factory in knowing rolling steel companies globally famous,
Steel specifications:
Steel profiles on Geyser enameled good degree than meets the requirements of the specification No. 1624/2 DIN ST W 24 These specifications and features that characterize our product meets the requirements of the quality policy we have, which provides secure household water heaters with a distinct quality suit customer requirements and match specifications applicable to fully satisfy our customers.
Founded in 1975 as Al Omran Sanitary Ware, AL-Omran Group now includes factories for ceramics, porcelain tiles, plastic pipes, fittings, and electric water heaters.
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