

General characteristics All values ​​have a temperature of 73V All values ​​have a temperature of 73V
specific gravity 1.42 g / cm 3 1.55 g / cm 3
Water absorption >4.0 mg / cm 2 > 4.0 mg / cm 2
Ignition Do not help to burn Value is zero
Softening point < 80 ° C < 93 ° C
Heat quality 0.25 kcal / g ° C 0.29 kcal / g centigrade
Thermal conductivity 0.13 kcal / m ° C clock 0.14 kcal / m hour degree m
Longitudinal expansion coefficient 2.9 × 10 – 15 Inch / inch degree 3.4 × 10 – 15 Inch / inch degree
Tensile strength 7000 Psi square inch 8000 Psi square inch
Compression resistance 9600 Psi square inch 10000 Psi square inch
Resistance to bend 950 Kg Feet / cm 2 1020 Kg Feet / cm 2
Shock resistance 0.65 lb / ft for the object 1.5 lbs / inch for the object
Flexibility coefficient of tensile strength 400.000 Psi square inch 360.000 Psi square inch
Resistance size 10 14 Ohm / cm 10 15 Ohm / cm
Power factor at 60 cycles 1.255 % 0.007 %@ 1000 Hartz
Maximum working temperature 140 P grade 210 P grade


  the value Unit
Subject BP – Type R-3 Color: Green
Density 0.90 G / cm 2
Flow coefficient at melting 190 ° C / 5 kg 0.55 Gallon / 10 minutes
Elongation at submission (50 mm / min) 10 %
Elongation at cutting < 50 %
Tensile strength when cutting 32 MPa
Shock resistance – Thyme + 23 ° C 22 Kg / m 2
Longitudinal expansion coefficient 15× 10 -5 M / m / m degree
Vizkat softening point in ST / A / 50 132 Degree m
Thermal conductivity 0.24 W/mK
Tensile coefficient 850 MPa

Modulus of elasticity

1350 MPa

Contact us

AL-Omran Group was founded in 1975 under the name of Al Omran sanitary ware and specializes in sanitary ware and accessories. and With the development of its business, the Group has established a number of factories: AlJawdah ceramics and porcelain tiles,  AlJawdah for plastic pipes and fittings, as well as   AlJawdah for electric water heaters .